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Karin Chiu is a theatrical costume designer who has embraced the beauty of cultural fusion, creating pieces that blend Chinese and Western aesthetics. She is appreciated for all forms of art and design, which she incorporates into her work to create something entirely new. Her designs are often inspired by incorporating elements from different cultures and times in order to create something unique. She also takes pleasure in seeking out materials that have been used throughout history; these provide texture and depth to her creations as well as add a story behind them. 


The concept of blending cultures together can be seen throughout Karin’s work; it is not simply about combining two distinct styles but rather finding commonalities between them or creating something entirely new from their combination. She is interested in creating a beautiful contrast between two very different styles while still maintaining harmony within the piece itself. By embracing both sides equally she demonstrates how we can find unity through diversity without sacrificing our individual identities or traditions along the way 


Skills are something that is built up over time and experience. I have been fortunate enough to gain a great balance of industry-specific skills as well as soft skills, which means I am able to make a valuable contribution to any team. My professional work experience has allowed me the opportunity to build upon these skills, while my research into various topics and simple observation of the world around me have helped shape my understanding of certain areas. 

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